Wednesday, September 24, 2008

winter sweater

The hat and sweater set.

So I'm forever knitting and starting new knitting projects. Just ask poor Marcus who often has to dig the TV room sofa out from under a pile of yarn and is constantly looking for bigger and tidier baskets I can store my yarns in (good thing he hasn't found my secret stash yet! :)) He's always grumbling about the amount of yarn in the house, tripping over scraps of yarn and pulling knitting needles out of my ponytail (my usual storage spot when I'm working), and complaining that I've never made him anything. While I start tons of projects, the number that actually reach completion is not nearly as impressive. Anyway, I'm proud to say I finally finished an actual project. This one flew by (done in under a week if I had knitted it straight through, but I started it on the way up to DC and then put it down to start another project and just got back to it a couple nights ago - this is why few projects get finished!) and I so enjoyed making this for a certain someone, even if she was a reluctant model.

My reluctant sweater model... always on the move! (Forgive the hair - this picture was taken early morning - you would not have wanted to see my hair!)

Finally still long enough to get a better picture of the sweater.

1 comment:

amybradley said...

LOVE the sweater and hat set!!