Thursday, September 18, 2008

por Dios mama - comprame pantalones!

I swear that's what Emilia has been saying to me for the past few weeks... please Mama - buy me pants that fit!

My friend Caitlin and I have been taking our two girls to Childwatch at the Y. Since we go early in the morning (ugh) I don't bother bathing Emilia or really combing her hair so she goes kind of scruffy looking to the gym. I figure she doesn't smell that badly and if I had to go to the trouble of bathing her and everything, well, I'd never make it to the gym. Besides, it's not like she's going to school or even to playgroup. So in the mornings I just throw some clothes on her and dash out the door.

Well, the other day it turned cooler here and the girl definitely couldn't go in just a onesie - she needed some pants. Now she has jeans from the winter that fit her perfectly now (they were too big then) that she wore in Quito but they were too much of a hassle. So I put her in her pink pull up pants... we bought them in the Spring. Judge for yourself if they were a complete fashion faux pas.
Rest assured - we were at Gymboree today - the girl now has pants that fit her lengthwise!

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