Tuesday, September 16, 2008

i swear i only took my eyes off of her for one second

and this is what i saw when i turned around....

that's right - my naked child climbed on top of my trunk in the TV room/playroom. She's been trying to climb it for a few days now. Her new thing is to climb everything - the trunk, the standing toys, the door of the dishwasher (not good!) anything.

Emilia is also getting quite good as saying "byebye" when we are leaving. Whenever we start heading out to the car she starts waving and saying "ba ba" which around here means "bye bye". I'll have to try to get video of it since it's quite cute and one of the few things she actually says. Sum total of words she says: four.

She's also been hard at working cutting those top teeth. The 2nd one on the right popped through a few weeks ago but the 3 other top front teeth have been reluctant to make an appearance. They have been visible since we were in Quito (way back in July) but now they are finally breaking through the skin. It's been a pretty painful experience for her - lots of clear runny mucous out of her nose, some congestion as a result, a sub-normal appetite and lots of fingers and hands in the mouth. The only thing that seems to soothe is some homemade gelatin with fruit in it and crunchy pita crisps. Even her raspberry paci doesn't seem to be doing the trick. It's been so bad that the other day when I woke her up from her nap there were little spots of blood on her sheet. When I checked her head to toe to find the source it became clear - her little gums had been bleeding where the teeth were coming out. Poor booboo. Thank goodness for Orajel and Tylenol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww. poor little teeth. love the naked pic.