Friday, September 12, 2008

day 2 of school

Before school - admittedly not the best picture, but she wasn't cooperating very much!

Well, Emilia had a successful 2nd day of school today. We walked over to QHP - one of the many reasons I love the school - it's a 10 minute easy walk over. She went over to her teachers, Ms. Courtney & Ms. Annete easily seemed calm enough despite the fact that several of her classmates were in major meltdown mode (lots and LOTS of crying). Emilia stayed calm and cruised her way over to the housekeeping center of the room. When I picked her up at 11:45 she was still fairly happy, though she had just taken a tumble, tripping over her own feet and is now sporting a nice big bruise on her forehead. I swear it seems just as soon as one bruise on her head has healed she smacks it again and gets a new bruise! Poor booboo. In any case there were no crafts to come home today as her schoolbag stayed at school. One of her teachers monograms on the side and offered to monogram the kids bags with their names for a small fee. How could I turn up that offer!?
She already ripped her bow off her head (from the bow party I went to last night).

As a result of her allergic reaction to baba ganoush/eggplant, Emilia is still very phlemmy and congested which means the reactive airway disease has flaired up so she's back on the Albuterol which is no fun as it makes her very hyper. Dr. Walker says she should only need it for about 48 hours though which is good.
After a long day of school - she was asleep the second I put her in the carseat.

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