Monday, September 13, 2010

showered (and ammended)

My playgroup friends showered the ‘hermanitos’ and I last weekend.  Mil gracias to Ms. Caitlin for organizing the decor and the yummy cupcakes and to Ms. Anne for being wise enough to take pictures.  Solo por ti, Tia Lo, hay foto de la barriga! ;)

To see the pictures, go here.

I am, once again, a most fortunate girl, with tremendous friends.

So my friend Kate just reminded me I failed to note that I ran a 50 yard dash while 30 weeks pregnant with twins at my shower.  Emilia had been going down the slide and one of those mother’s-worst-nightmare moments she lost her balance and landed on her neck – head going one way, feet in the air.   All I can say I forgot about the babies in my belly and only saw my first baby lying on the ground.

Of course, her reaction after I had thrown off my flip-flops and dashed to her - “oh no mama, my band-aid fell off!”


After much water (and a very mellow following day mostly because my quads were ON FIRE) I think my heart rate returned to normal.

In an ‘hermanitos’ update, I went to the Dr. this morning and the fellas are doing just great.  Heartrate for A was 138 and for B was 136.  Both are pretty much positioned the same as they were at my last visit – A on the right and sort of head down and B on the left.  Blood pressure, blood work, etc all came back normal.  I go back next week for an ultrasound to see exactly how big they are and to get a better idea of when we might be expecting them (YIKES!!!) but we’re so excited to get another peek at the fellas and see how much they’ve changed since my last ultrasound at the end of July.


kate's corner said...

Gosh, it's getting close!!

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

it was good failed to tell about your 50 yard dash to save Emilia...maybe that was on purpose:) oh man we are only talking a couple more weeks!!!!!

amybradley said...

Had so much fun celebrating you and "da boyz"! not too much longer...btw, clicked on the kodak hyperlink, and nothing showed up on the kodak homepage. :<(