Friday, March 4, 2011

day in the life, part 2–teamwork

The boys get a bath every other evening.  Really, they need it every night – the stereotypical ‘boy smell’ apparently starts early – but I haven’t gotten to the point where I feel organized enough to do it every night.

Marcus’ arrival at home at night signals the start of bath time, which is a two-man job.  I’ve done it by myself, but it’s so much easier to have an extra set of hands.


ready to hit the water – like their babylegs? I never had these for emilia – don’t know why.


javier hits the tub first – we still swaddle them in the tub – they love it.  I know he looks sad, but I swear he enjoys it.


look at javier – he’s in such a ‘tub coma’ – my andres ready to go.

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while a’s in the tub, j’s getting his nighttime bottle with papa.


clearly, it’s time for bed.


a s t o n + s t e l l said...

oh the sweetness of baby legs and baby bath tubs...feel like it was forever ago now. Those boys are BIG! gotta get over there before they get their driver's license...

kate's corner said...

aww. so sweet how you swaddle.