Monday, March 15, 2010

dia 18 – dinner with ‘yrie

3_12_10 02 Friday we were fortunate enough to have ‘yrie over for dinner. I had promised the girls pizza, but Marcus ran late so I had to substitute with a different dinner. Just as they were finishing, Marcus arrived with the pizza and so, round 2 of dinner began. Emilia was thrilled to have her buddy over and Ky was an absolute angel.

3_12_10 04

toasting with some juice.


Anonymous said...

So fun to see my girl in action when I wasn't around. Thanks again for inviting her for dinner. She had a blast and is still talking about it.

Anonymous said...

So fun! Can't believe our "babies" are getting old enough to have their friends over for dinner!!

kate's corner said...

love the first one!