Tuesday, March 2, 2010

dia 11 – sick day

3_1_10 01

Emilia was a little under the weather yesterday afternoon.  I had to go in and wake her from her nap at 4:30 – when I did I noticed she was drenched in sweat.  Taking her temp a little while later we learned she was running a 101 fever.  Tylenol and a couple of ‘shows’ to the rescue.  It was the perfect excuse to cuddle under her favorite blanket on the sofa.

3_1_10 02

all shiny-eyed and icky feeling.

She’s pretty much fine now – was a little feverish this morning but by this afternoon she was running around like her usual self.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...poor Emi! Glad she's feeling better; it's no fun feeling icky!!

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

that's funny that it just kinda hit her for a day and now she's better...there's a lot of weirdo fever stuff going around...icko