Monday, May 16, 2011

javier–6 meses


someone found his thumb! uses it pretty regularly as well.


brotherly love.

The skinny on my ‘mani’ -

Height: 24 3/4 inches long (8th percentile) – 1 1/4 inches longer.

Weight: 16 pounds even (20th percentile) – a gain of 2 pounds.

Head Circumference: 16 3/4 inches (20th percentile) – only 3/4 inch difference since his last visit.

My boy is SO much happier now that he’s not spitting up/projectile vomiting every two seconds. The combination of new meds from the Pediatric GI doctor, plus starting solid foods has really done wonders for both his tummy and his disposition.  He’s still more demanding and a little on the ‘intense’ side, but he doesn’t cry c.o.n.s.t.a.n.t.l.y. like he used to and is all around much happier and pleasant to be around.

Javier LOVES the jumpy and would stay in it all day long if he could.  He loves any kind of movement really – the big swings especially.  He also loves being held… like  I think Wednesdays may be his favorite day since we go to playgroup and someone, usually Ms. Alicia, is bound to pick him up at some point.  He also loves the stroller Ms. Amy has loaned us for our Chicago trip, but only if he’s sitting in the front.  He demands to be able to see what’s happening.

Javier is sleeping much better now – consistently sleeping from 7:30 at the latest until about 6 in the morning – not as great as his bro, but still 11 hours. He’s not much of a napper though – prefers to catnap throughout the day and waking at the drop of a hat, whereas Andres could sleep through a tornado.  When he cries, the only way to describe it is SHRILL.  Ohmigoodness is it LOUD – we tend to cover our ears.  He’s also ridiculously chatty – babbling all day long.


I’m a handsome devil, and I know it.

My boy is also a champion roller.  I mean he rolls everywhere and you can’t leave him unattended for a second.  If you put him in a swing or bouncy chair you have to put his seatbelt on, otherwise he rolls over in the chair and tries to shimmy off of it.  He also does this crazy scoot – not quite crawling but he lifts his butt up in the air and scooches along the ground.  It’s crazy.  I predict he’ll be crawling sooner rather than later… and then the real fun will begin.


amybradley said...

I can't believe the boys are 6 months! It's crazy how the time flies now, isn't it? Glad the stroller is working out; hope it does well for you in Chicago!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad that the meds are helping. We love Dr. Branner over here :) I will also say that Tobin is also still on the demanding and intense side of the spectrum.

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

this boy is a real looker! so cute! it makes up fro the shrills:) happy chicago!

kate's corner said...

love the last pic. ha on a little intense!