Sunday, April 26, 2009

sin palabras

Emilia has such a special relationship with my mama, her "A" (we started calling her MamaMama, but Emilia started calling her A which I think originially started out sounding like "heeeeyyyyy" - very Southern-y, but has now morphed into A). Anyway, these two are thick as thieves. On this particular morning they sat on the sofa forever "chatting" back and forth in (very suspicious outfits I might add - check out someone's too-short-pants and too-small-sweater). Emilia loved how A would play along with pretending to drink her milk and falling asleep (complete with fake snoring). Too funny.


a s t o n + s t e l l said...

emi looks just like your mom!!! "A" sounds like a fun Grand to have around...

Unknown said...

aww! i love this post! feel like i could tear up.