Note: This is a rush posting - I know I'm forgetting tons of stuff and this is probably full of misspelled words, but she's almost at 19 months and I'm only now doing the 18month stats check-in!
Height: 31 inches
Weight: 24 pounds (lost a pound from Hand-Foot & Mouth illness)
Head Circ.: 19 1/2 inches
Emilia had her 18 month checkup with Dr. Walker last week. Overall she's in great health. Dr. W. is still stumped by her milk sensitivities - hives with greek yogurt, but okay with some amounts of string cheese and CheezIts (a new fave she picked up at Aston's house) - so we're just keeping an eye on it and charting what seems to bother her and what doesn't. We're going to stick with the soy milk/cheese/yogurt for the most part. She got two shots (the first MMR and her last Hib vaccine so she's extra protected for Ecuador this summer) and, amazingly, didn't shed a single tear. Brave, stoic girlie of mine (and awesome nurse with the shots!)
Vocabulary: It's a mish-mosh of Spanish and English and she still doesn't have the same number of words as her playmates, but that's to be expected. Some of her words are: "gagi" (galleta/cookie - good for any crunchy thing savory/sweet), hello, adio (adios), gabye (goodbye), yo (yo-me), wow (park/playground), 'chu (achoo), 'shu (shoe), 'ato (zapato), do (door), Emi, gol (goal - can you tell her Papa wants her to be a soccer fan?), go go (let's go), woah joe (from MT classes), meme (not sure what this means actually), 'ugo (jugo-juice), yoowoo (yogurt), gai (crayons), my (mine), mame (dame-give me), pee pee, caca, bye (car), Nana (nana), Tima (Tia Marga), Lo (Tia Lo), FaFa (Farmor), Wewe (Abuelo), Gpa (Grandpa), Abi (Tio Eric), 'yrie, MoMo, 'ate (kate), Mimi (Maisie), Aty (Aston - I think she's trying to say Addie or Asty), 'ey (MamaMama). She can also put two words together, what are called "word collisions" like "Mama agua" (pointing to my water bottle), or "bebe" and then sign the word for sleep for sleeping baby.
The Physical: She's quite the climber now. She's figured out she can pull the kitchen chairs out from the table, climb up on them and get to the table. She can also get on to the sofas pretty easily as well. She loves to go to the park particularly enjoying the tunnels and slides, and loves to play games (boo! is a favorite word). She likes to try to kick the ball with Papa and play in the dirt with Mama planting stuff (or trying to). Her new fave is of course riding on the back of my bicycle. The carseat however, is quite the struggle. Sometimes she'll sit in it without any problems... other times you have to perform a wrestling move to pin her into it long enough to buckle her in... not fun. She'll tell you when she has pee pee or caca in her diaper, but not in time to get her to the potty (this is the month though.... right?) and is usually correct.
Foodwise: She's gotten kind of finicky. Old faves, like meatballs, are not so interesting anymore. She doesn't like pasta (!) or ranch dressing (!!). We're moving away from having to have all our veggies purreed (successfully eats green beans and green peas... sometimes) which is a relief.
Misc: Loves to dance to all sorts of music (beatles & carlos vives are big faves as well as her Music Together cds) but is not interested in listening to classical music for the time being. Loves to put on a dress, especially "everyday" dresses (something I must do more of - I hate wearing dresses so I always put her in pants... shame on me), and loves anything sparkly or shiny (bracelets, little necklaces and her purses - so girly). I blame her love of the bling on MamaMama. Loves to eat at her little table in the kitchen though we need to work on not wandering around when we're eating.
aww. i love this post. we love little emi. she is a joy. seriously. she's really is all about the boo isn't she?
she really is all about the boo.
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