Sunday, March 29, 2009

BIG weekend

Warning: This posting contains "graphic" content. Reader discretion advised.
Perhaps because it has rained for about 10 days in a row, I decided this was the weekend Emilia was going to learn to use her potty. While at Barnes & Noble on Saturday (presumably for storytime, though we never actually got to hear any story) I picked up a book called "Once Upon A Potty" about a little girl, Prudence, and her potty. We came home, dusted off Emilia's potty (which hasn't seen a whole lot of action other than her sitting on it every once in a while, fully clothed), stripped her down, closed the bathroom door and read the book twice. Halfway through the second reading we had SUCCESS!
Her first peepee in the potty - yes, I'm aware it's gross that I took a picture of it - but it's a milestone.
So proud of herself.

Since then she's managed to tinkle about 6 times in the potty, though she does have some trouble staying seated on the potty while waiting for the "action" to occur. We've also had to go back to BabiesRUs to buy a potty for the second floor - running up and down the stairs with our one potty was beyond annoying. By no means do I think she's potty trained, nor are we ready to get rid of the diapers, but we're definitely making forward progress.

exhausted - presumably from all the peeing?


a s t o n + s t e l l said...

What a BIG Girl! way to go emi! i will have to show aston...think aston will be ready for this milestone before i will...ick

Emilia said...

fortunately (or unfortunately) we haven't had to deal with #2 in the potty yet - at that point i think i'll have to throw it out and buy a new one - can't imagine that kind of clean up - double ick! :0