Sunday, February 8, 2009

music together part 2

Some videos from this past week's Music Together class.

playing (or not playing) the bell...

Then there's this one where instead of playing the bell, she's chomping on the stick to hit the bell.

And then, there's always some dancing to be done...


Unknown said...

oh my gosh. LOVE the dancing (and rolling!). you've inspired me...may have to break out the video tomorrow at music class too.

Emilia said...

be warned - i got a couple of nasty looks from the other parents - i was trying to be discreet about it but i guess they were getting annoyed?

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

wow...if aston had that much fun at music we would be doing it too this time around. i love her hair in the pony...the cross eyes when she looks at the bell stick is shear talent!