Thursday, June 10, 2010

as promised… a little late…

Videos of Emilia’s big dance recital…

First piece – she’s on the far end.  I tried to pan the dancers so you could see what she was supposed to be doing. 

bear cha-cha-cha… where she really gets her groove on…


kate's corner said...

oh cha cha cha! yay! love how you say yay too. cute cute!! for some reason i don't hear sound on the first??
you did a great job with her hair, yay!

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

obviously the cha-cha is her thing...they were all so into it...feel like more so than kate and mia's group! now that I'm an expert and all:)

Emilia said...

Can't wait to see miss stelly shaking her thing up on that stage. She strikes me as quite the dancer. Don't know what happened with the volume on the first video - glad I paid the $$ for the pros video!

emily rietz said...

ok - that could not be cuter. I will be singing the bear cha-cha-cha all day...