Wednesday, September 2, 2009

meet 'n greet

Today Emilia had a "meet and greet" at her new school. Essentially it was an opportunity for all the kids in the classes (M/W/F which is Emi's class and T/Th) to check out the room, meet the teachers, and get a chance to meet one another. Emilia of course, gravitated immediately to the cooking/baby doll area and promptly claimed everything in the area as "my" (mine). Nice and embarassing. She liked her teachers (Miss Phyllis and Miss Susan) and even gave Miss Phyllis a hug goodbye. I still anticipate tears on Wednesday (the first day), but hopefully today will make the transition next week a little easier. (I was the only one with a camera at this thing, so I had to sneak in a couple of quick pics).


a s t o n + s t e l l said...

so glad you brought the camera...will have to remember mine the "mine" and hate it at the same's my least favorite thing aston says:)

Emilia said...


Anonymous said...

So glad she had a fun time.

kate's corner said...

very cute! glad you brought the camera!! let us know how it goes!!