Friday, May 8, 2009

chevere y mas chimbas

So, Emilia has fallen in love with her sunglasses recently - I guess she thinks she looks really cool...

making her "sonrisa" face - her fake smile

...and we are finally learning to keep our chimbas in our hair....

ready for the next to last day of school.


a s t o n + s t e l l said...

sunglasses are a hooot!! aston will put is on for a maximum of 10 secs then they are promptly removed...i mean she's kinda right...she does look pretty cool...

kate's corner said...

love the dress (kate has the same one :))
cool sunglasses emi!

Emilia said...

how funny! we'll have to dress them up and take a "same-sies" pic!

Maigray said...

She's looking very kewl