Puchis was back in the water today after yesterday's less-than-successful first pool experience. I figured it was the number of kids in the baby pool coupled with the "aggressive" splashing that was going on. I filled our little pool on the deck with probably an inch of water - really less than what she bathes in - and got in to the pool with her. She was definitely hesitant at first - clinging on to me for dear life - but after a couple of minutes she realized nothing was going to happen to her and I wasn't going anywhere. I was able to turn her around to face me so we batted the ball back and forth to one another. Eventually she got comfortable enough to splash around a bit, tried pulling up on the side of the pool to a standing position (which I discouraged since the pool was obviously slippery and unstable) and would put her face to the water and lick it - very odd. Seems that another water baby is born....