Monday, December 13, 2010

because nothing screams ‘good idea’


like having 35 people to your house a month after giving birth to twins…

12_4_10 03

view from above.

Last weekend Marcus and I hosted a “Fiestas de Quito” party for the Ecuadorians.  Basically we had each family bring a typical plate (A made her world famous llapingachos – yum!) and the guys played “Cuarenta” (card game pictured above) while the women chit-chatted and the kids tore apart the playroom.  It was fun but would have been completely impossible to do without A’s help.  But we laughed, talked VERY loudly, shed a few tears (several new moms in the group – hormone overload!) and sang along to Julio Jaramillo songs.  Que viva Quito!

12_4_10 05

lorraine and her son, nicolas.  one of 4 new babies at the party.  he stared at the fireplace for ages.

12_4_10 06

did i remember to take a picture of the amazing food? no.  of the ladies?  of course not.  i did remember to take a pic of the cake however.  hana was in charge –she did a great job even if the guys gave her a hard time because it should have read ‘fiestas’ instead of ‘fiesta.’  for a girl from jordan married to an ecuadorian, she did great!

12_4_10 07

more card playing.  please note my sainted husband in the background.  i believe his behind was super-glued to that chair for the bulk of the evening.


a s t o n + s t e l l said...

what!!! you are nuts!

kate's corner said...

yes, nuts. but still fun and cake, yum.