Tuesday, November 11, 2008

15 month stats

Pics from Blowing Rock - November 1, 2008

Height: 30 inches (50th percentile)

Weight: 22.8 pounds (50th percentile)

Head circumfrence 18 inches (75th percentile - girl's got a big head like her mama!)

Number of teeth: 9 1/2 (four front teeth on top and bottom - top right molar (the first one!) and part of the bottom left molar).

Signs she recognizes or does... several... milk, water, food/eat, more, please... all the ones I know. I need to check with Emilia's friend Kate, who's the signing fiend, for more signs to teach her.

Some skills: can feed herself with a spoon (very messily, but still), runs everywhere, crouching down, picking up small items and putting them into a jar or cup, knows where to put a barette or how to use her comb, NEW: brings a diaper when she needs a new one.

Words: Mama, Papa, Hey..(for Mama Mama - poor woman!), Hi, byebye, bubbles.

Overall Emilia got a clean bill of health from Dr. Walker at her appointment today. We got back the results of her allergy testing which were anything but definitive unfortunately. According to this test she wasn't allergic enough to anything to raise a red flag. The pediatrician pointed out though that it just means that her allergies didn't come up on this test and that on a skin test or other allergy test she may come up allergic. What it does mean is that we've got the go ahead to try a little milk so we're going to start with some regular yogurt and see how she tolerates it. Hopefully she's outgrown her milk allergy or is outgrowing it. I'm really excited about that.

Otherwise her feet (which were sort of turned out - called "windswept") seem to be turning back towards center, her skin is clear and she's in the pink of health. We opted out of the flu shot since she's not in full time daycare and thimerasol is still used in the vaccine. We also postponed the first MMR shot so today she only got 1 shot - the first dose of the chicken pox vaccine.


Unknown said...

exciting about milk!
as far as signs...i find myself using whatever ones we say a lot. Baby is a big one, book, Sleep (good b/c she can tell you when she's tired), dog (can't remember if you have pets), Out, Outside, Where's (like where's daddy or your toothbrush or whatever), Help, Hurt (new ones we're doing), i mean i could go on and on apparently.

Emilia said...

totally need to check with you on the help/hurt one because i think that would be key especially with the sprouting molars!

a s t o n + s t e l l said...

and here i thought bilingual kids are slower to talk...that's what our ped told us! Not Emilia! We are a month ahead and still working on bye bye:)