Well, I kind of suspected something like this would happen right before we leave for Quito and sure enough it has. I had to take Emilia to the doctor this morning where she was diagnosed with a double ear infection and a possible virus leading to her temperature ranging from 99 to 102 yesterday. I knew she felt warm after her afternoon nap and I thought she was fidgeting with her earrings a little
too much and sure enough its true. So the magnificent Dr. Walker gave us an extra dose of azithromyecin (sp?) - 1 to use now and 1 to take with us. It's a great antibiotic, especially for travel, as it requires no refrigeration like many others do. SOOOo, throw up a prayer for us to whichever god you believe in that we have a smooth flight, that no one is sitting next to us, and that Emilia's ears don't explode off of her little head.
We did our usual last minute running around like lunatics - the bank, a last lunch with Papa uptown (*important note - Reid's uptown doesn't carry any sort of jar baby food & Emilia did not enjoy their orzo salad!*), Target, Harris Teeter, & CVS. I'm exhausted and still need to pack my carry on bag, clean the umbrella stroller (which I think I'm going to use... I'm still undecided about that), make dinner and figure out what the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with my ipod. I swear I'm ipod deficient. It's my 3rd one and I still can't figure them out. Oh, and I've totally and irrevocably (I fear) messed up my back. Could it be from picking up a 20 pound, 4 ounce bundle of love and cuddles? Could be! Stay tuned for more posts and (hopefully) pictures from the center of the world.